WHAT: Youth in Action (YIA) is a team of Ohio County youth, local police officers, and adult volunteers; this collaboration will take part in a community action called “Sticker Shock” which promotes the prevention of underage drinking. This team will canvas area businesses asking them to allow the team to place stickers on all alcohol products. The stickers, designed by local youth, will provide a reminder about the laws regarding persons over 21 purchasing alcohol for minors.
WHEN: August 18, 2008 at 1:00PM
WHERE: Woodsdale/Pleasanton Area Businesses who choose to participate.
WHO: Local youth from We Are The Future youth group, the Wheeling Police Department, the Ohio County Sheriff’s Department and the Ohio County Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition have joined forces to bring about social change. As of now, the youth will be going to CVS, Kroger, and Gumby’s. Let’s give these businesses a big hand for stepping up and showing the community that they do not support underage drinking and that they have made thoughtful business decisions and sales procedures.
WHY: This action will allow area business owners the opportunity to showcase that they really do take underage drinking laws seriously and care for the well being of our community. The involved youth will be empowered to know that their voice is heard and they can influence adults in the community and make a difference.
WHEN: August 18, 2008 at 1:00PM
WHERE: Woodsdale/Pleasanton Area Businesses who choose to participate.
WHO: Local youth from We Are The Future youth group, the Wheeling Police Department, the Ohio County Sheriff’s Department and the Ohio County Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition have joined forces to bring about social change. As of now, the youth will be going to CVS, Kroger, and Gumby’s. Let’s give these businesses a big hand for stepping up and showing the community that they do not support underage drinking and that they have made thoughtful business decisions and sales procedures.
WHY: This action will allow area business owners the opportunity to showcase that they really do take underage drinking laws seriously and care for the well being of our community. The involved youth will be empowered to know that their voice is heard and they can influence adults in the community and make a difference.
HOW: The volunteer youth, law enforcement and other adults will meet at 1:00PM and the kids will ride in cruisers to businesses that have chosen to participate
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