Friday, October 30, 2015

Summer Youth Interns and Volunteers created a media campaign!  It encourages bystander intervention to avoid alcohol or drug use.  The billboard is above and the TV PSA is below.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

WV Day of Hope Gives Faith Organizations a Voice in Substance Abuse Prevention

Martha Polinsky, Project Coordinator, Lori Garrett-Bumba, Program Director, Bishop Dunkin and Bishop Bransfield proudly announce the DAY OF HOPE!
     The Ohio County Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition (OCSAPC) & the WV Council of Churches have collaborated to bring a “Prevention & Recovery Sunday” called “WV Day of Hope” to West Virginia churches and other ministries.  OCSAPC plan includes bringing the faith community to the "table" and encourages opportunities for policy change on a state-wide basis.  Faith organizations can shine a light on substance abuse prevention and recovery on a single designated day.  The group applied for and received a proclamation from WV Governor Earl Ray Tomblin.  This one day make a great impact on the lives of many.  Faith groups have the opportunity to help in the following ways:

Ø      Reinforcing Drug & Alcohol Free Youth
Ø      Providing Parent Tips
Ø      Empowering Folks in Recovery & Reducing the Stigma of Addiction 
Ø      Guiding Those Struggling with Substance Abuse
Ø      Supporting Families or Friends of Alcoholics & Addicts. 
Ø      Talking about Community Solutions
Ø      Healing for Children of Alcoholics/Addicts
Ø      Remembering Those Lost to Addiction
Ø      Creating Learning Opportunities
Ø      Finding Help and Resources

     The idea came about when community member Bill Hogan contacted OCSAPC's Project Coordinator.  Bill had been trying to reach bishops in WV and ask them for help with the substance abuse problem in our state.  As a result, OCSAPC added a faith-based component to their annual membership retreat and had state and local representation from Lutheran, Episcopal, Methodist, Catholic and nondenominational faiths.  Several state faith leaders joined local faith leaders to talk about what could be done about substance abuse in WV.  The plan for the “Day of Hope” began. The group agreed WV needed a designated day to unify the promotion of a drug free life-style with folks across the state.  This is a great opportunity to bring prevention strategies to a large receptive audience and to promote and support recovery.  Organizations are encouraged to remain true to their own traditions, beliefs and missions to organize and plan the event for their congregations. 

     In attendance at the faith-based meeting first meeting was Reverend Jeff Allen, Director of the WV Council of Churches and The Most Reverend Bishop Ralph W. Dunkin of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America.  To propel the idea, Reverend Allen presented it to the council and they agreed to promote the day to all churches in WV.  They chose September 13, 2015 as the first official Day of Hope.  Each organization or churches are encouraged to add elements to their services to celebrate a substance free life-style.  OCSAPC has invited all state prevention coalitions to promote the “Day of Hope” in their counties to their local faith organizations.    

Monday, April 20, 2015

Wheeling Park High School SADD Students "Tie One On"

Red Ribbons 
SADD Club Members at Wheeling Park HS.  
 Wheeling, W Va. - Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD), a club at Wheeling Park High School, is comprised of students who want to encourage a substance free lifestyle and decisions that will have positive outcomes for teens.  The group has a pre-prom campaign they will implement throughout their school.  The campaign is chosen because prom and graduation season can bring an increase in fatal car accidents for teens.   The campaign which takes place prior to prom includes:

Ø      Tie One On -  On April 15 SADD members placed red ribbons on student cars at Wheeling Park High School.  The ribbons, supplied by the local Mothers Against Drunk Driving MADD Chapter, are a reminder to students to make the decision to not drink alcohol on prom night and not to ride with someone who has. 
Ø      Please Return On Monday (PROM) posters & flyers, created by the students, to be placed within high school the week prior to prom.  Print material focus on safe decisions.  The tag line is “The problem with drinking is the mourning after.”
Ø      Please Return On Monday ribbons, purchased by the SADD Chapter, which will be distributed by local florists with all WPHS prom corsages and boutonnieres. 
Ø      School Announcements, written by the SADD members, will encourage youth to be alcohol free, not drink & drive, not ride with someone who has been drinking, not text & drive and wear seat belts.  Basically encouraging youth to make decisions which statistically give them a better chance to remain safe and could save lives.   

Ø      Radio Public Service Announcement – the group wrote and taped a radio PSA to be aired during the month of April promoting a substance free lifestyle.  
One of four posters created by the youth.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

OCSAPC Round Table Series

OCSAPC has been busy for the last 6 years building coalition capacity thereby creating more opportunities for change.  As a result of internal assessments the coalition decided to host a round table series dedicated to four important community sectors.  The round tables are focusing on Healthcare, Faith-Based, College and Business partners.  The discussions have led to numerous strategies and ideas to be implemented in our community.  Stay tuned for more information.  The next College Round Table is March 12 at Wheeling Jesuit from 5-7 PM.  The Business Round Table is March 26 at Christ United Methodist Church from 5-7 PM.  The Faith-Based Team will meet April 28 at 1:00 PM at 87 15th St. and the next Healthcare Team meeting will be announced.  


The Ohio County Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition (OCSAPC) is funded by a federal Drug Free Communities (DFC) Support Program Grant from the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). Youth Services System, Inc. (YSS) serves as the coalition's fiscal and administrative agent.
