Friday, November 16, 2018

A Day of Hope Comes to Wheeling's Drug Issues

Wheeling, W Va. – The Community Impact Coalition & the West Virginia Council of Churches collaborated agian to bring the 4th annual prevention & recovery celebratory day called “West Virginia Day of Hope.” It is celebrated over 3rd weekend in September. It gives West Virginia churches, synagogues and other ministries the opportunity to promote, educate and advocate for substance abuse prevention and recovery from addiction.  Locally, the faith communities of Wheeling planned a day of activities that was open to everyone. September 15, 2018 was a special day in the friendly city.

Ø  1:00pm - Interfaith 12 Step Service at St Matthew’s Episcopal Church was open to ALL!
Ø  2:00pm - March of Hope from St. Matthew’s to Heritage Port was open to ALL!
Ø  2:30pm - Day of Hope Rally at Veterans Memorial Amphitheater. Open to ALL!
Ø  5:00pm - Day of Hope Memorial Spaghetti Dinner at Christ United Methodist Church was open to ALL! Cost is $5 for adult, $3 for child under 12. Donations benefited the Will Ruberg Service Scholarship at Wheeling Jesuit University and the House of the Carpenter serving the needy of greater Wheeling.

     The 3rd weekend in September is specially designated by faith communities to promote a drug free life-style with folks across West Virginia.  Faith organizations are encouraged to celebrate in accordance with their own traditions, beliefs and missions as they organize and plan the event for their congregations. 

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

High School Interns IMPACT Younger Youth

Impact Summer Youth Interns were fantastic this summer. They held a Youth Forum for the YMCA campers grades 5-8 on substance abuse topics. Their theme was "Blast Off" and they hosted hands one learning stations. We loved seeing youth influence younger youth! They developed the format for the event with adult assistance. They also represented the coalition on the news during the events. Finally they helped create and coordinate the media campaign that is currently running. See the PSA above.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Wheeling Park SADD Chapter Cares About All Students

Wheeling WV - The Wheeling Park High School SADD Chapter launched their annual Please Return OMonday or PROM Campaign last month. They had a very busy April 2018 encouraging a substance free lifestyle for teens and providing signage to place around school and the prom. First they attended and helped out with the MADD Law Enforcement Recognition Dinner on April 12. The students planned and took part in a "Sticker Shock" event on April 13 at Gumby's on Wheeling Island. They placed stickers on alcohol products urging folks not to purchase alcohol for underage teens. They were aided by a Wheeling Police Officer and they learned a lot about checking I.D.s from the clerks. They also held a "Tie One On" event at the student parking lot at their school. The red ribbons, provided by MADD, were place on all cars. They had local media coverage from WTRF! Their message was don't ride in a car with anyone who has been drinking alcohol and to stay substance free! This shows the important work they do for Ohio County. These fine young people could also use your support by donating to their trip to the SADD National Conference in Washington DC or the SADD WV Conference. Please contact 304-233-2045 to make a donation!

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Rethink Don't Drink

April is Alcohol Awareness Month and Ohio County 4th graders helped us create a wonderful campaign this year by taking part in our Choose a Clear Mind Poster Contest. The top 3 school winner's entries will be featured on billboards in Wheeling for the month of April. The top 3 winners are Alexis Kuntz from Middle Creek Elementary, Emma N. from Woodsdale Elementary and Dayton VanFossen from Elm Grove Elementary (in no particular order). Alliyah Williams from Woodsdale gave us our slogan of "Rethink Don't Drink!"Each participating school had a school winner that received as banner of their entry to be hung prominently at their school until the end of the year. Those winners are Addison Baker from Bethlehem, Nathan Lamagna from Steenrood, Isaac sands from Ritchie, JoceLynn McFarland from West Liberty, Molly Georges from Warwood, Gianna Pramesa from Madison, Christopher Alkhouri from St. Vincent de Paul, Madison Miehle from our Lady of Peace, and Gabriella Blake from Corpus Christi. An honorable mention for slogan goes to Seneca Heller. Impact thanks the school principals and guidance counselors for allowing their students to take part in the poster contest and the Keep a Clear Mind Program which inspired it.


The Ohio County Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition (OCSAPC) is funded by a federal Drug Free Communities (DFC) Support Program Grant from the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). Youth Services System, Inc. (YSS) serves as the coalition's fiscal and administrative agent.
