On September 9 is Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) National Awareness Day, recognizing the need for 9 month of a sober, healthy pregnancy. Our coalition in collaboration with the Ohio County Partners in Prevention will be hosting a Healthy Babies - Healthy Future: Preventing Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders and other issues that are easily preventable by education. The workshop is from 8AM to 3PM at the Vineyard Church 135 Waddles Run Rd., Wheeling.
The workshop will end with a bang as attendees who have volunteered will take part in a grassroots community outreach effort. The volunteers will visit on-premise alcohol establishments for about 10 minutes. They will read information to clerks and managers advising them about FASD and how they can help. Supplemental FASD warning flyers and posters (as shown above) will be given to businesses for use in their establishments.
FASD is the leading known cause of mental retardation in the western world and it's 100% preventable by abstaining from consumption alcohol during pregnancy. The U.S. Surgeon General has advised that it is never safe to consume alcohol during pregnancy. The updated signs show that Fetal Alcohol Syndrome has changed to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders. It has been found that a whole spectrum of disorders can occur, and many go undiagnosed as FASD because it is often unknown whether the mother of the child affected drank alcohol during her 9 month pregnancy.
This is a first of its kind, proactive and positive effort in Ohio County. Please invest in this effort and your community. You don't have to attend the workshop if you want to volunteer for this effort.
Workshop Agenda is as follows:
8:0-8:45 Registration & Welcome
8:45-10:15 Shaken Baby Syndrome
10:30-12:00 Bonding & Attachment
12:30-1:45 Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
2:45-3:00 Community Outreach Directions & Evaluation
3:oo-5:00 Volunteer Outreach
You may have also noticed the FASD billboards all around Wheeling; these, as well as, a grass roots appeal by mail to local city officials rounds out the month. We hope to educate and influence businesses and our community to be aware and do all they can to educate others. If you would like to volunteer to help educate businesses and your community, please contact the OCSAPC by way of Kristen Kroflich at (304) 233-2045 ext 305 or kkfroflitch@ysswv.com.
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