Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Coalition Updates- October 2010

Hello Coalition Members & Community Partners!

Hope that you are enjoying this warm fall day- just wanted to share the latest coalition news & upcoming events. Read on for the latest coalition news & upcoming events!

Heather Markonich has resigned from her staff role as Coalition Coordinator and accepted a position with the Rawle & Henderson legal firm here in Wheeling. We are sorry to see her go, but wish her the best of luck in her new endeavors. Please let me know if you would like Heather's contact information to send her a card, etc. We will be hiring a new Coalition Coordinator soon- stay tuned for details about the job posting & interview process...

National Youth Leadership Initiative (NYLI): We received several applications from Ohio Co. students and will be taking about 3 to 5 WPHS youth to the first training in Canaan Valley from Nov. 4- Nov. 7. This is an exciting opportunity for youth to get involved as real community change agents with our coalition. **Julia Charvat is currently serving as the NYLI Adult Mentor working and traveling with the group but she NEEDS your help! Please contact Julia if you are interested in serving as an NYLI Adult Mentor! This is a great opportunity to work with youth on ground-breaking social change efforts!**

The American Medicine Chest Challenge (AMCC) is coming up on Saturday, November 13th from 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM at the City-County Bldg (1500 Chapline St. Wheeling, WV) . Please spread the word to your friends, families & neighbors that there will be another one-day Rx take-back event where community members can safely dispose of their prescription medications- no questions asked! We are glad to be partnering once again with the Wheeling Police Dept. on this timely event! Check out to see an interactive map of Rx disposal sites across the country (Wheeling, WV is one of 6 authorized AMCC sites in WV).

Upcoming Meetings: community participation is essential in planning & implementing evidence-based prevention strategies! We invite community members to have a seat at the table. Currently, most of our meetings are scheduled during the "lunch break" of a week-day (12:30 PM at YSS Hazel-Atlas Bldg), but feel free to set up another time to meet with me in person or by phone if you cannot make these meetings. We are always looking for new leadership and members to make their voices heard. Mark your calender:

  • Monday, November 1: Social Marketing Taskforce (SMarT) Meeting
  • Tuesday, November 9: Steering Committee Meeting
  • Wednesday, November 17: Underage Drinking Prevention Subgroup (UPS) Meeting
  • Mon., December 6 & Tues., December 7: Communities Mobilizing for Change on Alcohol (CMCA) Training at Grand Vue Park in Marshall Co.- FREE 2-DAY TRAINING (10 Am to 3 PM both days) WITH LUNCH PROVIDED! If you're interested in community organizing & underage drinking prevention, this is a fantastic opportunity you will NOT want to miss!!

As always- feel free to contact me for further information or to get involved with coalition events and activities! I am excited to collaborate with you on another year of our Drug Free Communities action plan to increase community collaboration and reduce substance abuse in Ohio County. If we combine our efforts and resources, we will truly be able to make a difference in the lives of our youth and families!

In solidarity,

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

American Medicine Chest Challenge

An alarming number of Ohio County youth are intentionally abusing prescription medicines to get high. The 2007 study by the National Study of Drug-Use and Health found that 70% of people who abuse prescription pain relievers say they got them from friends or relatives. A recent study on drug use by of teens by the Partnership for a Drug Free America (PDFA) found that 1 in 9 children are abusing prescription pain relievers to get high.

To help combat this growing threat to our nation’s children, the United States Senate has deemed October 2010 as National Medicine Abuse Awareness Month. Here in Ohio County, we’re taking things even further by hosting the American Medicine Chest Challenge (AMCC) on November 13, 2010. Residents can find a local collection site on or dispose of their medicine at home, following the guidelines on the site.

AMCC a nationwide public health initiative that challenges residents to take the five step Medicine Chest Challenge:

• Take inventory of your prescription and over-the-counter medicine.
• Lock your medicine chest.
• Dispose of your unused, unwanted, and expired medicine in your home or at an American Medicine Chest Challenge Disposal site.
• Take your medicine(s) exactly as prescribed.
• Talk to your children about the dangers of prescription drug abuse.

A local effort is being spearheaded by the Ohio County Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition (OCSAPC) and the Wheeling Police Department (WPD).

Prescription drug abuse is a growing problem in our country, and the easiest way to combat it is to properly dispose of your old medicine. AMCC is the best way to do just that, so on November 13th, we ask all Ohio County residents to dispose of your unused, unwanted or expired medicine at the OFFICIAL OHIO CO. AMCC DISPOSAL SITE:

City-County Building
1500 Chapline Street
Wheeling, WV 26003

HOURS: 10 AM - 2 PM

For more information, please visit


The Ohio County Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition (OCSAPC) is funded by a federal Drug Free Communities (DFC) Support Program Grant from the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). Youth Services System, Inc. (YSS) serves as the coalition's fiscal and administrative agent.
