Wheeling, W Va. – The Community
Impact Coalition & the West Virginia Council of Churches collaborated agian to bring the 4th
annual prevention & recovery celebratory day called “West Virginia Day of
Hope.” It is celebrated over 3rd weekend in
September. It gives West Virginia churches, synagogues and other
ministries the opportunity to promote, educate and advocate for substance abuse
prevention and recovery from addiction. Locally,
the faith communities of Wheeling planned a day of activities that was open to everyone. September 15, 2018 was a special day in the friendly
Ø 1:00pm - Interfaith 12 Step Service at St Matthew’s
Episcopal Church was open to ALL!
Ø 2:00pm - March of Hope from St. Matthew’s to Heritage Port was open to ALL!
Ø 2:30pm - Day of Hope Rally at Veterans Memorial
Amphitheater. Open to ALL!
Ø 5:00pm - Day of Hope Memorial Spaghetti Dinner at
Christ United Methodist Church was open to ALL! Cost is $5 for adult, $3 for child
under 12. Donations benefited the Will Ruberg Service Scholarship at Wheeling
Jesuit University and the House of the Carpenter serving the needy of greater
The 3rd weekend in September is specially designated
by faith communities to promote a drug free life-style with folks across West
Virginia. Faith organizations are encouraged to celebrate in accordance with their own
traditions, beliefs and missions as they organize and plan the event for their