January 13, 2010 marks the beginning of a new era for the Ohio County Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition. Our Drug Free Communities grant award is fueling us with new trainings, information and strategies. We are excited with the new directions and options open to our coalition. Our hard work and dedication over the past 4 plus years have brought us to this point; building on this work is crucial for us to reach higher and progress even further.
A successful community coalition needs committed volunteers from all parts of the community. Your input can help guide us and your volunteer time can bring positive change to our county.
Please come and hear about:
- Social Marketing
- Youth Activities
- Parent Activities
- New Chairperson
- New roles for staff and members
- Name and logo change?
- Prescription Drug Summit in March
- Prescription Drug Take Back Program
- Communities Mobilizing for Change on Alcohol
- By-Laws
ALL community members are welcome to attend. We hope to see you there! If you plan to attend please RSVP to 304-233-2045 ext 305 or mpolinsky@ysswv.com; lunch will be served.